Gerben in the team
Groupworker 25.71%
Stabile, extrovert, not dominating. Stimulates and supports the team members, promotes communication and team spirit. He integrates people and their activities, is socially attentive and can listen well. Suitable for a leading role: group workers have a strong lighting effect on teams.
Plant 20%
Dominant, very high intelligence, introverted. The man with the sudden ideas. ‘Implanted’ in quiet teams to generate creativity: he makes the new openings. A Plant evokes resistance because of a lack of practical sense and a critical attitude towards ‘stupidity’.
A company man 20%
Stable and controlled. A practical organizer, who converts decisions into concrete activities. Has a well-developed self-image and controls his feelings. Noest and disciplined but with flair in organising, especially under pressure or in confusing situations.
Chairman 17.14%
Stable, dominant, extrovert. The Chairman keeps the working method of the team under control and allows the strength of each team member to come into its own as well as possible. No extraordinary intelligence, nor any special creative gifts. However, calmness, realism and sobriety. Tolerance to listen to others, strong enough to ignore opinions.